Monday, January 19, 2009

US CAD site update.....Digital Prototyping

I am happy to announce our website at US CAD has been updated to include info about Digital Prototyping. "What is Digital Prototyping?" you ask.....The ability to create a 3D representation of your product and validate parameters in the computer environment reducing the amount of physical testing. Our newly modified site gives accounts from major manufacturers about their use of digital prototyping to get to market sooner with a more reliable product, as well as some cool videos using Autodesk Showcase, Alias, and other Autodesk Products. Sooooo come check out our site (just click on the title of this post to go to the site) and tell me what you think.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The New Guy

I can hardly believe I have joined the team here at US CAD!!! It's a dream come true for a guy who vary rarely is quiet and loves to design and manufacture products too. I will be updating this blog regularly with all the cool stuff I get to do by being "in the loop" for Autdesk products. I am totally excited to be able to show all my readers all the latest and greatest Autodesk has to offer in the manufacturing realm. Lastly.....but far from least.....Inventor Beta 2010 is totally amazing and I can't wait to be able to say anything about it other than "WOW!!!!!" 8^D